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Policy on Pro Se Clients

Expedite makes decisions based upon the vision we have to make a positive impact in our community. We do this through making every step of our process verifiable, professional, and lawful. 

A Pro Se client is a person who is engaged in a law suit without the representation and counsel of a lawyer.

Expedite's experience with pro se clients leads us to believe that making ourselves available as a resource for the unrepresented simply gives that person another tool to pursue an unwise course of action.  

Furthermore, without the aid of counsel, a pro se client often has trouble embracing appropriate expectations or fully understanding the complexities and nuance of their case. This lack of understanding often prompts a pro se client to demand that Expedite's employees practice law without a license or demand access to our couriers in order to micro-manage the service attempts. 

Our declination to practice outside the bounds of our duties has regularly lead to miscommunication and conflict in an already emotionally charged situation for our pro se clients. 

Expedite cannot aid an endeavor that we believe does more harm than good for a potential client. Therefore, we are unable to accept pro se clients at this time. 

 If you are currently unrepresented, we implore you to get a lawyer if you mean to pursue legal action. Otherwise, you are most likely wasting time, money, and energy on an unfruitful endeavor. 

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